Pune Sahodaya

Sahodaya School Complex

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Sahodaya school Complex, Pune

Teacher Training and Development Programs

Pune Sahodaya works tirelessly to improve the quality of CBSE education. There are 158 CBSE schools in and around Pune, that are associated with Pune Sahodaya Complex. We provide accurate guidance, opportunities, exchange of ideas and information, evaluate the school performance, and suggest innovative ideas for the betterment of their institute and students. It is a great platform for all the members of the CBSE schools to collaborate and improve the standard of education at their respective institutes. Sahodaya means “rising together” and learning is the medium that can help us to achieve our objective of growing together.

Educative Management

The transformation of the education sector from chalk-talk to technology-powered teaching has led to structured planning, strategizing, and integration of various educational institutions, under one education management system which trains them to impart higher quality education with a blend of traditional and technology-based learning. The educative management programs focus on:

• Sharing the best practices and modern strategies of education

• To make sure that all the institutes are aware of CBSE guidelines and curriculum updates.

• Facilities to provide inter-school collaborations, so that the members can share their experiences on improving the education system.

• Discussion on curriculum planning and development, co-curricular activities for students, and student development programs.

• Organize technology empowerment programs for the teachers and principals at regular intervals to become acquainted with the changing teaching trends.

• Promote and upscale managerial skills of headteachers, and school administrators through various leadership skills development programs

• Conduct induction and mentoring programs for the teachers.

• Coordinate and collaborate with CBSE to improve the education system of the affiliated CBSE schools.

Professional Growth of Teachers

Based on the teachers’ interests, needs, areas of expertise, and competencies, the professional development program focuses on :

• Emphasizing different teaching and learning strategies to make the whole process stress-free and joyful.

• Integration of life skills and Information technology in classrooms

• Learning and improving the teaching skills to cater to the needs of the students and the society, with the current technology evolutions in the education system

• Implementation of blended learning .

• Learning about child psychology, cyber threats to kids, etc..

Value-oriented programs

Principal programs

Value-oriented programs help to strengthen the teaching skills, thus raising the bar of students’ performance. The value-oriented programs focus on:

• Implementation of a more practical based teaching approach to increase the participation of students and enhance the teacher-student conversation.

• Training the teachers to impart basic life skill lessons such as empathy, honesty, and integrity for a peaceful and positive school ambiance.

• Training the teachers to respect and value students’ opinions and treat them equally for a healthier student-teacher relationship.

• Implementing well-being programs for teachers to communicate effectively with students and contribute to the success of their institutes and students.

Professional Growth of Principals

A school principal is responsible for managing various administrative tasks and supervising all students and teachers. It is, therefore, a demand of the hour to train them with the changing trends in education for an effective administration of their institutes. The professional development programs for the principals focus on:

• Developing an effective structure for a lesson plan or a specific learning activity

• Training teachers to track the progress of students and implement proficiency-based education.

• Guiding teachers to improve lesson plans and instructional designs based on the current changing trends in the education sector.

• Taking into consideration and providing a solution to the needs of teachers, students, and stakeholders.

• Implementation of various policies of the CBSE board, and responding to the changes that impact the schools

• Motivating teachers to excel and at the same time to enjoy their profession.

• Managing various innovation trends in the school through the use of information technology and project planning.

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