Pune Sahodaya

Sahodaya School Complex

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Sahodaya school Complex, Pune

About Us

History of Sahodaya

Although the Education Commission first proposed the concept of Sahodaya School Complexes in 1966, it was the National Policy on Education in 1966 that recognized the importance of establishing school complexes in order to optimize educational quality. This laid the tone for bringing the schools together and uniting them in order to foster healthy interactions. The inaugural national conference of CBSE affiliated school principals, hosted in 1985 by CBSE in partnership with APSC Madras, highlighted school collaboration and developing links in academic, co-curricular, and cultural activities. The idea to establish Sahodaya School Complexes was further reinforced in Delhi in October 1986, when CBSE and NPSC collaborated on a two-day conference for school principals and teachers. 

The Vision, “Accepting the necessity for establishing school complex (es) which may be named SS complexes so that the isolation that exists today between the schools will give way to the partnership among schools within the complexes and they will work and rise together”, started taking shape. In 1987, CBSE used a book, “Implementation of National Policy on Education in CBSE affiliated Schools-Program of Action for three years,” that reiterated school complexes and resolved to encourage the opportunity to set up Sahodaya School Complexes, in line with the National Policy of Education, 1986.

History of
Pune Sahodaya

It is said that “Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”, and it is with this mission, that we took our first step to lay the first stone of Pune Sahodaya School Complex. It all began on 18th July 2008, where a group of like-minded principals met at SES GURUKUL under the leadership of Principal, Mrs. Mrinmayee Bhave.The idea to establish the Pune Sahodaya School Complex was inspired by the former Chairman of the CBSE,  Dr. Ashok Ganguly’s appeal to join hands with the CBSE, in pioneering  Educational reforms. The Pune Sahodaya Schools Complex was formally launched by the then Chairman, CBSE, Shri. Vineet Joshi on 30th January 2011, with a membership of 22 CBSE schools. It is the synergy of ideas and cooperation among schools that we are now a fraternity of educationists from158 CBSE schools throughout Pune, working towards providing support to the teachers and the students.

Activities at Pune Sahodaya

The diverse array of activities carried out by SSC’s include the following:

  • Orientation programs, seminars and workshops for teachers/students/Principals on various themes
  • Joint programs for home examinations, sports and cultural activities, inter school competitions, exhibitions etc
  • Discussion on implementation of circulars and guidelines issued by the Board from time to time
  • Taking up community development projects on adolescence education program, road safety, consumer awareness, peace education etc


Member Schools




Programs Conducted


Years of Experience

Through positive promotional efforts, Pune Sahodaya has helped schools come together and form an interactive and sharing relationship. At present, there are 260 such complexes which are active throughout the country, and share and care for each other; particularly those which are in close physical proximity.

Upcoming Events at Pune Sahodaya

Event 1

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Event 2

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Event 3

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Event 4

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